Saturday, November 05, 2005

Uh, yeah...well not so much...

I was planning on writing about the day of college football that's ahead of us today but I got a little sidetracked. The day started with a hangover and the best of intentions. The plan was to play a little football with some friends of mine in the late morning, followed by some beers and a days worth of college football. Unfortunately my friends are a bunch of drunk losers who can't manage to roust themesleves out of bed by 11 AM. Well, not all of my friends. Six of us managed to make to my buddy Kurt's house by 11...ish. Of course, 3-on-3 football isn't exactly a recipe for an afternoon full of fun so we decided to go up to the local pub and have a few drinks. Just in case you were wondering, drinking is alot more fun than sweating your ass off playing touch football. Now, I'm four beers in and I don't have the patience or the mental capacity to craft any sort of redeemable prose concering today's gridiron action. So you'll just have to enjoy a full day of football without my literary assistance. I know that it's gonna be a struggle but you're strong enough to get through this...just believe in yourself. Somebody has to.

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