Friday, December 23, 2005

Outhouses and mullets, here I come...

I just figured that I'd stop by real quick and drop a line or two before I head off to Tallahassee for Christmas with my family. I'm really not looking forward to the trip, if only because it takes nearly 5 hours to drive there from my house. Luckily for me, my parents are driving up there, so all I'll have to do is pull my ass out of bed tommorrow morning and fall asleep in the back seat.

Between now and then, I have a bunch of present wrapping to do and I'm also planning on getting fantastically loaded at some point this evening. I should probably just stay in tonight since I've been out all week long, but prudent decision making has never really been my strong point.

There won't be a whole hell of a lot going on Tallahassee but I'll try and rope some of the other adults into playing poker at least one night, so that I have an excuse to drink heavily while I'm stuck in that hell hole of a town. I'm also planning on making my semi-annual pilgrimage to Guthrie's. If you don't know what Guthrie's is, let me get you up to speed. It's nothing more than a fast food joint that sells chicken fingers...that's it. The menu literally consists of one item, a box. In this box are 5 chicken fingers, krinkle fries, cole slaw and texas toast as well as Guthrie's secret sauce. How is an eatery with only one item on it's menu able to not only stay in business, but thrive, you ask? That's easy, it's the secret sauce. It's amazing. I would eat a pinecone if you gave me enough of this stuff. A typical order for me at Guthrie's goes something like this, " Yeah, can I have a box with 7 extra sauces? Thanks." I'm telling you, it's that good.

So that's it for now. I've packing and wrapping that I need to start on. Have some drinks, then ahve some more and, of course, Merry Christmas...jerks.

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